Chilsonator System for High Containment Roll Compaction ApplicationChilsonator System for High Containment Roll Compaction Application
April 19, 2012
The Contained Chilsonator System (CCS 1025) is Fitzpatrick’s latest development in roll compaction and is designed to fully contain all product in its processing and receiving sections. This tightly sealed design allows for the optional Product Containment System (PCS) to be added at the discharge. The feed system delivers material to the rolls utilizing a feed hopper, horizontal feed screw for metering material, a vertical pre-compression screw for deaeration and transport of feed material to the compaction rolls. The high-speed, vertical, pre-compression feed screw(s) is effective at deaerating the vast majority of powders. Even many low bulk density powders are able to be effectively conditioned for efficient compaction. This feed system design provides process advantages with few components to clean and maintain. In a few applications, the material characteristics restrict the ability of the entrained air to be vented from the system utilizing the pre-compaction screw alone. In these applications, the optional vacuum deaeration system is available to assist in drawing the entrained air from the product. The Fitzpatrick Co., Elmhurst, IL 630-530-3333
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