Instrumentation & Process Automation 53Instrumentation & Process Automation 53

December 5, 2006

7 Min Read
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Pocket Thermometers

Company offers three rugged and user-friendly handheld thermometers for measuring thermocouples (Wahl TM602), RTDs (Wahl TM612), and both T/C and RTDs (Wahl TM630) in the harshest on-site process environments. The respective pocket thermometer models can measure with accuracy of 0.02% of reading and a low temperature coefficient of 15 ppm/°C, 14 different thermocouple outputs, and 12 different RTD types with a temperature coefficient of 10 ppm/°C. All models use a graphical LCD with adjustable contrast and backlight, making programming and reading easier. A database can be created to design curves for sensors after calibration in relationship with the corrections shown on a calibration report. Scaling allows for the correction of probe errors and is performed using up to 10 segments.
Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group, Asheville, NC 800-421-2853

Moisture Analyzer

The Model BSP-901 continuous on-line moisture analyzing system is designed for performance, convenience, and reliability to accomplish a range of applications for a variety of powder and bulk solid materials. It operates with one near-infrared sensor for detecting moisture on moving webs, belts, screw conveyors, etc. or with one radio frequency sensor for detecting moisture inside or outside of kilns or dryers.
Moisture Register Products, La Verne, CA 909-392-5833

Head-Mounted Temperature Transmitter

Sitrans TH digital head-mounted temperature transmitters have a compact design, enabling them to be installed in the sensor connection head. Capable of accurately and securely transferring process temperatures, they are suitable for diverse measuring applications in the process industry, from chemicals and pharmaceuticals to food, beverages, and power generation. The TH 300 transmitter can communicate via Hart or Profibus PA and has galvanic isolation for thermocouple applications. The Sitrans TH 200 and Sitrans TH 100 units are designed for stand-alone applications.
Siemens Energy & Automation Inc., Houston, TX 713-939-7400

Software for Powder Tester

The data analysis software package for the FT4 universal powder tester delivers fast analysis with flexible reporting options. It incorporates the latest types of tests available on this multifunctional powder measurement system and offers a redesigned and simplified user interface. New functions and extended measurement capabilities have been added, including compression, permeability, and shear testing. The new FT4-DA (V4) software enables the comprehensive analysis of all test types and datasets, allowing them to be represented both graphically and in report form. The software also incorporates several new tools for users that make analysis, data representation, and comparison even easier. Enhanced graphics and graphing facilities allow more sophisticated results presentation and full report customization.
Freeman Technology, Worcestershire, UK +44 1684 310860

Powder Rheometer

A new module for the FT4 Powder Rheometer allows fast, fully automated measurement of wall friction using standard or custom materials in contact with powders under test. Its new wall friction module allows experimental measurement of frictional resistance with a total test time of approximately 10 minutes. A 48-mm-diameter disk of the appropriate material and finish is used to compress a powder sample through a step sequence of predetermined normal stresses. At the same time, the disk is rotated and the shear stress is determined from measurements of the frictional torque at each stress level. The wall coefficient of friction is then calculated from the slope of the shear stress versus normal stress data.
Freeman Technology, Worcestershire, UK +44 1684 310860

Inline Particle Size Analyzer

Recent trials have demonstrated that the Parsum inline particle size analyzer can be used to monitor particle growth in a fluidized bed. Complex flow regimes, high humidity, and a broad particle-size distribution combine to make the measurement of particles in fluidized bed environments a significant challenge. In tests involving the monitoring of lactose granulation, the Parsum probe tracked particle growth throughout the entire process, generating data that opens up options for automated control.
Malvern Instruments, Southborough, MA 800-932-0101

Chemical Imaging Systems

Company offers a range of chemical imaging systems, including the NIR-CI 2450, which incorporates the latest technology for chemical imaging. Also offered are the laser diffraction–based Spraytec and Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzers, the Morphologi G2 high-sensitivity particle image analyzer for shape and size measurement, the Zetasizer Nano for characterizing nanosized particles and molecules in solution, and the Gemini HRnano rheometer. Chemical imaging enables the identification and spatial localization of chemical species in a sample, producing a chemical map. By combining traditional near-infrared spectroscopy with microscopic and macroscopic imaging, a single rapid measurement enables analysts to obtain quantitative spatial and spectral information with unprecedented ease. In the pharmaceutical industry, chemical imaging of solid dosage forms is used increasingly to determine sample content uniformity, domain size characteristics, components distribution, polymorph distribution, moisture content, contaminant location, and coating and layer thickness.
Malvern Instruments Inc., Southborough, MA 508-480-0200

Capacitive Level Switch

The CLS2 capacitive level switch uses state-of-the-art sensing technology that is based on impulse RF admittance measurement combined with an active guard. The technology provides excellent level measurement and stability while being insensitive to material buildup. The capacitive level switch has no moving parts, does not jam, does not suffer from wear, is unbreakable, and does not require maintenance. It is designed to auto-calibrate in your application without having to turn pots. The user just pushes the internal calibration button or uses the external magnet without even having to open the enclosure. Features include a universal power supply that works from 12 to 240 V ac/dc without the need for jumpers or settings; a failsafe setting in the event of a power loss; status lights that indicate power, sensor, and output; a programmable output time delay; and an easily removable wiring terminal for wiring of control outside of the enclosure.
Dwyer Instruments Inc., Michigan City, IN 219-879-8000

Empty-Belt Detectors

By adapting its RF admittance technology, the company’s flexible sensor provides reliable indication of an absence of material on the conveyor belt. The sensors are mounted above the conveyor with the flexible tip riding on the material on the conveyor. As long as the sensor encounters the target material, the output remains unchanged. If the sensor does not detect the target material, it changes output condition. The change in output state can be used to trigger an annunciator, shut down the conveyor, or initiate any other control system function. The Intellipoint RF and ThePoint empty-belt detectors are designed to meet the extreme environments found in power plants and coal yards and can be used for conveyors that carry materials ranging from coal to fine powders.
Ametek Drexelbrook, Horsham, PA 215-674-1234

Ultra-Low-Pressure Documenting Calibrator

The Micro-Cal Model 869 ultra-low-pressure documenting calibrator has been designed for HVAC engineers who are responsible for designing air handling processes for critical environments. It provides this capability by performing calibration checks on sensors with accuracies as high as .00025 in. W.C. Traditional laboratory bench-top calibration units are only accurate to .0004 in. W.C. and require at least one full hour to run calibration checks on one unit. To correctly perform on-site tests, many of these basic units also need multiple components, such as pressure indicators and generators, voltage and current meters, and data loggers. The Micro-Cal Model 869 is portable, lightweight, and compact for use in cramped or remote locations. The battery-powered unit provides a minimum of eight hours of operation, providing pressure reading accuracy close to .0001 in. W.C, with fast, stable, and repeatable pressure generation better than .0003 in. W.C.
Setra Systems Inc., Boxborough, MA 800-833-4237

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