Plug Type Diverter Routes Powders and PelletsPlug Type Diverter Routes Powders and Pellets

September 21, 2015

1 Min Read
Plug Type Diverter Routes Powders and Pellets
The DMN PTD plug type diverter

The DMN PTD plug type diverter is designed to route powders and pellets with minimum degradation in pneumatic conveying systems. It is suitable for use in the chemical, plastics, food, animal feed, and pharmaceutical industries. The PTD consists of an aluminum housing in which a plug with two pipes is installed. All product contact surfaces are 316 stainless steel, and three FDA-approved silicone seals guarantee the sealing between housing and plug. Precision machining, excellent sealing, and a complete obstruction-free passage guarantee a smooth passage of product. The user-friendly design enables fast internal examination and cleaning. The PTD diverter is compact in form with no outside moving parts, thereby increasing operator safety. It is available in sizes from 2 through 8 in., and is suitable for pressures up to 87 psi and product temperatures up to 176°F.
DMN Inc., 870-733-9100 West Memphis, AR

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