Secure Storage: Protecting Your Investment

October 29, 2013

3 Min Read
Secure Storage: Protecting Your Investment

Hopper-bottom, smooth-wall silos and stainless steel tanks are utilized across North America for bulk storage and handling of dry flowable products in the commercial and industrial sectors for a variety of applications. When it comes to bulk storage versatility, it is important to store your commodities securely and with confidence. Secure storage systems that work for you to protect your investment while saving time and money are extremely valuable to your operation.
    When selecting a solution for your storage needs, it’s important to consider the capital investment of your facility’s storage system, such as the loading and unloading aspects of production, and the silo or tank itself. It’s advisable to purchase storage that is going to compliment your operation’s facility and do its part in protecting and securing your commodities. Powder-coated mild steel and stainless steel are good choices, as they provide longer life and prevent corrosion. Purchasing quality storage products with greater lifespans will be beneficial to your operation in the long run and will work for you to increase return on investment.
    Commercial storage must also protect your bulk commodity. Bulk products are expensive. Whether it is a grain, a resin, or a powder, any commodity that is part of the production process is valuable. The right storage solution will do everything to maintain the product’s integrity, ensure preservation of quality and value, and eliminate contamination. Smooth-wall storage does just that. Storing bulk commodities should not negatively affect the quality or characteristics of the product if done right. Whatever the state of the commodity, it should not deteriorate.
    Another factor to consider when storing bulk commodities is the quantity of product that is stored on-site. Having available storage space is beneficial in that it ensures ample supply to draw from at any time during the production process. Knowing how much storage your operation requires is key. It is important to have enough storage volume to match the milling or production process so that you can increase efficiencies with just in time inventory. Ensuring that you have large quantities of commodities easily accessible on-site will increase productivity while complementing the supply chain.
    Similarly, extra bulk storage gives users the ability to buy when commodity prices are low. If you don’t have space available you are unable to capitalize on special offers or deals. Having extra capacity allows you to store at ideal prices and can help you save money while buying larger volumes and minimizing price volatility in peak seasons.
    When considering bulk commercial storage solution, it is important to be mindful of multiple objectives. Your choice should ensure long life and durability of the production plant, protect your bulk commodity, increase efficiencies in handling, and allow for opportunities to stockpile when advantageous. Having an adequate supply to draw from and having the ability to buy at low input prices will be beneficial to the production process and operation as a whole.
    Jenna Pattison is marketing and communications coordinator, Meridian Manufacturing Inc. (Camrose, AB). For more information, call 800-437-2334 or visit

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