Conveyor Safety EquipmentConveyor Safety Equipment

August 30, 2011

1 Min Read
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Designed to prevent injuries from pinch points and contact with hazardous moving machine parts, these MSHA-accepted safety products are vital to ensure employee safety and prevent injuries. The return roll changer supplies pinch point protection for maximizing safety and eliminates need for high-lift equipment. Safe-guard belt clamps are a patented positive tensioning system that applies even tension across the entire width of the conveyor belt. The patented safe-guard return idler guard is designed and engineered to prevent injuries from pinch points and to catch the return idler if it should fall. The V-return idler guard protects workers and equipment from falling idlers. Its durable UHMW slotted cage stops material buildup and offers easy access for maintenance. The return idler cage is designed to catch the return idler from falling onto unsuspecting workers or equipment, preventing injuries and down time. The flat return conveyor guard is a modular guard mounted on the conveyor to guard against moving equipment.
ASGCO Manufacturing, Allentown, PA 800-344-4000

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