Clampco Products Plant Expansion UnderwayClampco Products Plant Expansion Underway

June 10, 2015

1 Min Read
Clampco Products Plant Expansion Underway
Clampco Products' plant expansion is underway

Clampco Products is expanding its Wadsworth, OH manufacturing facility to meet increasing customer demand for high-performance stainless steel clamp products used in advanced emission control technology and other heavy-duty diesel engine and exhaust applications.

The 60,000-sq-ft expansion will double the size of Clampco’s current manufacturing facility. Along with increasing production capacity, the expansion will provide valuable space for a new R&D test/innovation lab and increased warehouse area. Completion is scheduled for late 2015.

“This expansion shows the dedication and commitment of our ownership to our customers, employees, and community,” said Jerry Biagini, Clampco general manager. “This is the second major expansion of this facility since it was built in 1991. This addition has been designed to allow for future growth, to meet the needs of our valued customers”

“Clampco has listened and reacted to the needs of our customers, which has led us to significant growth in the clamp market,” said Derek Sandborn, Clampco national sales and marketing manager. “This expansion is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of our 160 skilled employees. Without them, Clampco’s growth and success would not be possible”

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