Bulk Bag Unloader Reduces Product WasteBulk Bag Unloader Reduces Product Waste
February 18, 2020

This bulk bag unloader reduces product waste associated with product remaining in the use of paper bags. It can be configured to accept any bulk bag dimensions with a monorail and hoist assembly or universal fork truck lifting carriage and frame. The dry bulk ingredient is then transferred to the terminal location by a pressure or vacuum convey system.
The bulk bag unloader includes a bag containment hopper with a manual iris valve for spout closure and an optional integral dust collector with a fan. Other optional features of the bulk bag unloader include discharge devices, weighing and scaling, and side and bottom bag massagers with electric or pneumatic vibration.
CAMCORP Inc., Lenexa, KS 877-226-2677 www.camcorpinc.com
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