Guide to Conveyor Components

July 10, 2014

2 Min Read
Guide to Conveyor Components

System Plast, a business unit of Emerson Industrial Automation, has released its new on-line “interactive” conveyor components selection tool – Smart Guide. This digital catalog provides customers with the ability to view and select the most popular conveyor solution products from eleven product groups, as well as obtain technical information for all items shown.

The offerings will include products from the System Plast, Valu Guide, and Nolu plastics brands. The Web site displays a conveyor line overview with each product group identified and clickable as a “live” link to detailed product information. Each page contains multiple products with their individual item number, item description, product photo, technical information, and additional links to alternative or complementary products. The item description for each part is an active link that enables access to download and/or e-mail CAD 2D or 3D part drawings, technical information, option to load parts to a shopping cart for bill of material generation or price quotation, and the ability to find a recommended supplier.

Navigation is made faster and easier with an integrated search function that responds to part descriptions or page codes listed on each page, and used in prompts that suggest alternative or related products. An interactive table of contents can be viewed on the top of each page or in a pane that can be hidden if desired. A list of online support documents can be accessed from an "i" information link in the upper right corner of each product page. In addition to documents on design guidelines, material characteristics, chemical resistance, and construction details, the info link provides access to System Plast's SPEC load and strength calculator, as well as an Energy Savings Calculator. Smart Guide is compatible with PCs, tablets, and smartphones. The new U.S. guide along with the previously released European version can be accessed at

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