Wheat Appointed President at 4B ComponentsWheat Appointed President at 4B Components
October 8, 2014

4B Group, a worldwide manufacturer of material handling and electronic components for bucket elevators and conveyors, announces the appointment of Johnny Wheat as president of 4B Components Ltd with responsibility over North, Central, and South America.
Wheat joined 4B more than 22 years ago as an engineer in the electronics department, and became senior vice president in 2003. “Since that time, he has managed the 4B USA operation with a combination of exceptional skill, enthusiasm, and drive which has helped to make 4B one of the leaders in the industry,” said 4B group chairman & managing director Nicholas Braime, “In his role as president, Wheat’s challenge will be to continue the growth of the company and its brand throughout the region.”
Wheat is also an active member and past chairman of the Equipment Manufacturers Conference (EMC) part of the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), which is the world’s largest organization devoted exclusively to representing the business, legislative, and regulatory interests of the U.S. animal feed industry and its suppliers.
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