Static Dissipative Hose for Severe Service ApplicationsStatic Dissipative Hose for Severe Service Applications

October 15, 2014

1 Min Read
Static Dissipative Hose for Severe Service Applications
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Flexaust offers a new static dissipative polyurethane hose for loading and unloading trucks and railcars, grain-vac, and other severe service applications where safety is critical.

FlexStat 60 static dissipative hose is a bendable heavy-wall polyurethane hose with an embedded copper grounding wire that is flexible, durable, and operates over a wide temperature range. This flexible ESD safe hose is tear- and crush-resistant and has a smooth interior to minimize friction and assure efficient material flow.

Featuring a 0.060-in.-thick wall that is clear for contents viewing and a rigid external ABS helix wear strip, the FlexStat 60 is a suitable replacement for heavy-wall PVC and rubber hose. Providing surface resistivity of 108–1010 Ohms/Sq, this hose operates from -40°F to 200°F and comes in 4- to 8-in. I.D. sizes in OEM lengths and colors. Cuffs are optional.

Flexaust, Warsaw, IN 800-343-0428

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