Platforms Provide Safe Access to RailcarsPlatforms Provide Safe Access to Railcars
October 16, 2015

GREEN railcar access platforms provide safe access to the tops of railcars and can be customized to meet the demands of any size operation.
No company can afford worker injury or even death from unsafe railcar loading/unloading practices. GREEN railcar platforms provide a safe, protected area for workers to easily access the tops of railcars.
The line ranges from the single-spot ‘Insta-Rack’ pedestal platform to a 50-spot liquid transfer facility with integrated loading arms, spill containment, and more.
The product line includes flat ramp, telescoping, and self-leveling stair gangways, truck and railcar loading racks, stationary and portable platforms, loading/vapor arms, spill containment pans, portable transloading carts, horizontal lifeline systems, caged ladders, pipe racks, custom structural, and more.
All GREEN platforms are engineered for operator safety, compliance with governing O.S.H.A. standards, and for your specific application.
Benko Products Inc., Sheffield Village, OH 440-934-2180
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