Modern "Lean" Thinking in Solid Dosage Manufacturing SeminarModern "Lean" Thinking in Solid Dosage Manufacturing Seminar
August 1, 2011
Quadro Engineering, Matcon, Fitzpatrick, FMC, K-Tron, and WayAhead Systems are presenting a free, one-day technical seminar on September 15, 2011 at the Hilton Woodbridge Hotel in Iselin, NJ, that will examine a wide range of "Lean" related topics in solid dosage materials handling and processing, from dispensing through to primary packaging. This group of leading equipment manufacturers will introduce seminar attendees to objective views to achieving Lean Manufacturing, with hands-on technologies for improving cost-effective production and overall customer value.
Some of the exciting new developments being presented for today’s demanding pharmaceutical industry applications will include: Applying "Lean" in Materials Handling; Increasing OEE & Reducing Work In-Process; The Latest on Milling & Sieving; Novel Excipients Removing Wasteful Processes; Dry Granulation/Roller Compaction; Improving Yields by Increasing Accuracies & Conveying Design; Tablet Handling in Bulk; "Lean" Facility Design; and Tracking Excipients & Meeting FDA Audit Requirements.
To register for the seminar, visit
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