Freeman Technology to Present New Research on Powder Flow Additives and QbDFreeman Technology to Present New Research on Powder Flow Additives and QbD

November 8, 2013

1 Min Read
Freeman Technology to Present New Research on Powder Flow Additives and QbD
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Freeman Technology will present new research into quantifying the effects of powder flow additives on pharmaceutical powders at this year’s Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS), held from November 18-20 in Somerset NJ.

Entitled ‘Characterising and optimising the use of flow additives in powders and powder formulations’, the presentation will be delivered by Mike Delancy, Freeman Technology’s national sales specialist, at 4:40pm on Tuesday, November 19. Delancy will explain how the company’s FT4 Powder Rheometer is being used to quantify the effects of flow additives on powder flowability.   
Understanding and controlling powder behavior, and particularly how powders flow, is crucial for process optimisation. The new research complements the trends within the pharmaceutical industry towards quality by design (QbD) and continuous manufacturing. Delancy’s presentation will examine how dynamic powder testing can be used to enhance product development activities, and how it offers the sensitivity to detect and quantify even subtle changes in powder behaviour following the addition of flow additives.
The FT4 Powder Rheometer is a universal powder tester that offers a comprehensive range of powder characterisation methods, encompassing bulk, shear, and dynamic flowability measurements. With seven standard tests, yielding a broad range of powder properties, the FT4 provides a rangeof process relevant information that is directly applicable to all industrial powder processes.  
Delancy will be available to discuss any aspect of powder characterisation. Contact [email protected] to arrange a meeting at EAS 2013.

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