Explosion-Proof and Purged & Pressurized Motors, ResolversExplosion-Proof and Purged & Pressurized Motors, Resolvers
January 3, 2017

Empire Magnetics offers motors and resolvers for use in hazardous environments where combustible vapors or dust are present. Explosion proof (EP) devices are designed to withstand and contain expected explosions. Purged and Pressurized (PT) devices are intended to prevent an explosion from occurring. Empire Magnetics can recommend and customize motors for specific applications. More information on requirements is available from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Empire also offers high temperature (HT) motors provided with class H insulation systems (this insulation begins to melt at 180°C). To calculate maximum ambient temperature the heat generated by a motor must be subtracted from the melting point of the insulation. The ability of a motor to dissipate heat will also effect the maximum allowable ambient temperature.
Empire Magnetics Inc., Rohnert Park, CA 707-584-2801 www.empiremagnetics.com
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