Crews Put Out Machinery Fire at NS Paper Products PlantCrews Put Out Machinery Fire at NS Paper Products Plant

November 19, 2018

1 Min Read
Crews Put Out Machinery Fire at NS Paper Products Plant
An entrance to the CKF Inc. facility in Hantsport, NS. Image courtesy of Google Maps

Fire crews responded to a blaze at the CKF Inc. paper products plant in Hantsport, NS early Sunday morning that damaged several pieces of machinery and forced works to evacuate the facility, local news organizations reported.

First responders from several municipalities in the area were called to the site about 6 a.m. Hantsport Deputy Fire Chief Paul Maynard told the Hants Journal that the machinery sustained damage to its electric and hydraulic system. Reports said several other pieces of equipment were damaged and flames spread to the roof during the incident. 

“[The fire] certainly had the potential to be a lot worse. Fortunately, we did contain it to the machinery that was involved and a little bit into the ceiling. Other than that, it didn’t go further,” Maynard said in coverage by CBC. 

CKF manufactures paper plates at the site that are sold under the Royal Chinet brand. 

No injuries were logged during the incident.

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