Feeder Offers Multi-Feed Head VersatilityFeeder Offers Multi-Feed Head Versatility

July 8, 2016

1 Min Read
Feeder Offers Multi-Feed Head Versatility
Vibra Screw's Versifeeder line includes multiple feed head units.

Vibra Screw has expanded its Versifeeder line to include multiple feed head units. Now processors requiring several feed points of a particular bulk material can experience high accuracy and flexibility. The multi-head Versifeeder can provide the same or different rates of feed from each outlet. A common hopper is oversized to provide ample capacity and includes an integral vibrator to insure positive flow to the feed screws. Controls are provided to operate all or individual screws as needed. Incorporating multiple feed heads in a common unit saves space over separate feeders.
Vibra Screw, Totowa, NJ 973-256-7410 www.vibrascrew.com

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