FPSA Becomes First U.S. Sponsor of "Save Food" InitiativeFPSA Becomes First U.S. Sponsor of "Save Food" Initiative
November 10, 2011
The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) has become the first U.S.-based trade association to join with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Messe Düsseldorf (producers of the Interpack trade show) to fight global food loss through the internationally recognized “SAVE FOOD” initiative. “SAVE FOOD” brings together stakeholders in industry, politics, and research, facilitating dialogue to address the issue of the 1.3 billion tons per year of food that is lost on the way “from farm to fork”.
“In the United States alone, food is wasted at an estimated 1400 calories per day per person which translates into over 150 trillion calories per year,” said Scott Scriven, president of Weber Inc. and the chairman of FPSA. “If Europe and the United States could contain wasted food, the savings would be more than ample to feed the entire world.”
“Thirty-seven percent of the world’s food is wasted. FPSA will be evaluating ways that the association and its membership can help bring that number down through education and collaboration with Messe Düsseldorf and the FAO,” said David Seckman, president and CEO of FPSA. FPSA will be seeking active participation from its membership and councils representing the bakery, beverage, dairy, meat, and prepared foods market segments in the “SAVE FOOD” initiative.
FPSA is a global trade association serving suppliers in the food and beverage industries. The Association's programs and services support member’s success by providing assistance in marketing their products and services, overall improvement in key business practices and many opportunities to network among industry colleagues. For more information, visit www.fpsa.org.
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