Samplers Spotlight - January 09Samplers Spotlight - January 09
December 29, 2008
Powder Sampler
The PS sampler can be left completely unattended while providing repeatable and representative samples. Ideal for sampling fine powders, the unit collects samples from pneumatic conveying systems and can be constructed of either carbon or stainless steel. Key features are total product cleanout and a limit switch that ensures completion of the sampler’s cycle.
InterSystems, Omaha, NE 866-495-9713
Bulk Solid Samplers
These units sample free-flowing or non-free-flowing powders, pellets, flakes, granules, grain, or friable materials. Typical products sampled include pellets, cement, chemicals, resins, and powders, along with slurries from gravity lines or dilute- and dense-phase horizontal pneumatic transfer lines. The range of samplers includes point, strip, crosscut, and conveyor belt designs. Special alloys and coatings for wetted materials are available for demanding applications.
Sentry Equipment Corp., Oconomowoc, WI 262-567-7256
Automatic Dry Bulk Sampler
The Model RT automatic dry bulk sampler is specifically designed to operate in either positive or negative pneumatic conveying lines or conveyors. This fully automatic air-operated sampler delivers accurate, frequent samples with no metal-to-metal contact between parts. It is used heavily in the plastics industry. The RTA-2 is an explosionproof model for hazardous applications.
QCEC, Des Moines, IA 515-266-2268
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