Kaeser Celebrates Expansion in GermanyKaeser Celebrates Expansion in Germany
November 30, 2015

Just a year after breaking ground on a major expansion project, Kaeser Kompressoren SE, the international headquarters of Kaeser Compressors Inc., has held a topping out ceremony to celebrate adding the roof to one of the new industrial rotary screw compressor production halls.
Two production halls are being built in parallel and when complete will not only meet pressing needs for additional space, but also feature the latest in technology. "When it's finished, this 'Smart Factory' will be fully Industry 4.0 capable and will truly be a state-of-the-art facility," explained company CEO Thomas Kaeser. "This investment is yet another element that will ensure Kaeser Kompressoren remains internationally competitive and successful well into the future."
The expansion project is set to be completed in early 2017 and also includes a new administration building. The two new production halls will span the entire length of the company grounds and add over 200,000 square-feet of manufacturing space.
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