State-of-the-Art Nozzle CleaningState-of-the-Art Nozzle Cleaning

July 23, 2012

1 Min Read
State-of-the-Art Nozzle Cleaning

Scientific Dust Collectors offers state-of-the-art nozzle-cleaning technology for reverse pulse-jet dust collectors. The new cleaning nozzle provides an improvement in cleaning technology that achieves superior performance at a lower pressure drop. SDC has used nozzle based cleaning systems for reverse pulse-jet collectors in the manufacturing industry for almost 30 years. The key to the performance of this cleaning system is the scientific design of the cleaning nozzle. Previous nozzle designs provided a significant 40% increase in cleaning flow when compared to generic venturi-based cleaning systems. The improved nozzle design adds an additional 12% cleaning flow into the media for enhanced filter cleaning and better filter performance, providing longer filter life with less media.
Scientific Dust Collectors, Alsip, IL 708-597-7090

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