Portable Fume and Dust Collectors
August 4, 2010
The MikroFlex line of portable collectors for fume and dust capture are ideal for: source capturing contaminants such as weld fumes and smoke, gas vapors, aerosols, oil fumes, and dust; keeping welding areas clean; and preventing fumes from entering the work environment. The line features the patented MikroFlex Arm that outperforms similar arm extraction devices, is easier to move in both horizontal and vertical directions, and is fluid in rotation. Available in wall- or bench-mounting models, the arm’s external support mechanism reduces the overall drag or static loss of airflow in the arm, providing more constant airflow. Two “plug and go” units are also available (in 120V models) that feature the Arm — the MikroFlex WFM Series and the MikroFlex WFP Series. The line provides highly efficient filtration (99.9%) in compact units.
MikroPul, Charlotte, NC 704-998-2600 www.mikropul.com
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