Pleated FiltersPleated Filters
July 18, 2012
Tri-Mer offers seven highly application-specific media for its Tri-Flow compact filter system. These unique pleated filters are cleanable with pulse-jet technology incorporated in the Tri-Flow system. All provide filtration efficiencies of 99.999% on 0.5 micron and larger particles by weight, and performance virtually identical to a HEPA filter. Tri-Flow filters have a MERV 16 rating, a superior alternative to bags and cartridges that are typically MERV 10-13. Filters are either PMF (polyester microfiber) or PTFE; media can be selected for hydrophobic, oleophobic, or antistatic properties, also high-temperature compatibility, and combinations of these features. Tri-Flow filters are ideal for fine dusts, (down to .05 micron), explosive dusts, and, thanks to proprietary pleat spacing, dusts that are hygroscopic/agglomerative. Filters have 2-3X greater filtration area compared to filter bags, and a multi-year service life. Filter change-out (from the clean air plenum side) is simple and "tool-free."
Tri-Mer Corp., Owosso, MI 989-723-7838
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