High-Pressure Fans for Dust CollectorsHigh-Pressure Fans for Dust Collectors
March 23, 2012

Chicago Blower’s Design 64 Packaged Backward Inclined (PBI) fan was developed for increasing high-pressure collector applications. The newly engineered Size 222 wheel runs at 3600 RPM and cataloged to develop over 23 in. of static pressure. It is equipped with backward inclined steel blades designed for long life in hostile environments. The versatile PBI fan is designed to increase the stable operating range by more than 20%. The direct-drive PBI fan is offered in 12 sizes from 122 to 365, varying widths, and three motor RPMs, the ideal replacement for older, less reliable fans. A number of options are available, and the fans are backed by a three-year warranty.
Chicago Blower, Glendale Heights, IL 630-858-2600 www.chicagoblower.com
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