Dust-Free Loading SpoutDust-Free Loading Spout
October 30, 2018

Unique ring spacing improves dust collection and reduces emissions with the X32 loading spout. The rugged unit can handle a variety of materials, featuring loading rates up to 450 CFM, maximizing the amount of product being loaded.
The X32 can be configured to load open or enclosed trucks and railcars. Its low-profile design provides easy access for mounting and is completely customizable. The X32 can be designed to fully integrate into your loading system.
The X32 is maintenance friendly with easily replaceable cables, outer sleeve, and inner cone assembly. The inner cones are available in a variety of materials, such as abrasion-resistant steel, stainless steel, and urethane. The durable loading spout sleeve is constructed with aluminum rings and urethane guides. For further customization, a variety of sleeve material types are available to sustain the product being loaded.
DCL Inc., Charlevoix, MI 231-547-5600 www.dclinc.com
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