Dust Collector with Top Removal Filter Bags/CagesDust Collector with Top Removal Filter Bags/Cages
January 10, 2011
The Model CW Series dust collector utilizes top removal filter bags/cages in a walk-in plenum for quick, tool-free bag removal and protection from the elements. This collector is especially suited for pneumatic conveying applications requiring high cyclic vacuum/pressure conditions. Each unit has a design rating of +/- 100 in. W.G., constructed from heavy-gauge steel and stiffened with angle rings designed for vacuum or positive pressure applications. Optional accessories include structural steel support legs, services platforms and access ladders. Units can be sized from a few as seven to as many as 164 bags from 36 to 120 in. in length.
Ultra Industries Inc., Racine, WI 262-633-5070 www.ultradustcollectors.com
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