Air Knife Plumbing Kits Maximize Performance
August 18, 2016
Exair’s new stainless steel plumbing kits simplify installation of the stainless steel Super Air Knife by including all of the proper fittings and tube for hooking up to a compressed air supply. They also eliminate poor performance attributed to undersized fittings and compressed air supply lines.
Stainless steel plumbing kits can also be fully assembled and installed on a Super Air Knife at the factory to further reduce unproductive time and effort. Super Air Knives that are 24 in. or longer must be supplied with compressed air at multiple inlets on the knife. Air knife plumbing kits prevent you from wasting time searching for the right fittings or using undersized air supply lines. You can achieve peak performance and convenience with the confidence of proper installation with these plumbing kits.
Plumbing kits for the stainless steel Super Air Knives include cut to length type 316 stainless steel pipe and fittings. They are available in lengths ranging from 24 to 108 in. PVDF Super Air Knives are also able to use the 316SS plumbing kits.
Exair Corp., Cincinnati, OH 800-903-9247
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