SPI Now Accepting Nominations for Plastics Hall of FameSPI Now Accepting Nominations for Plastics Hall of Fame
December 2, 2010
Nominations are now open for living individuals to be inducted into the Plastics Hall of Fame, it was announced by SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association. To be eligible, nominations must be submitted no later than September 30, 2011.
SPI is administering the nominating process on behalf of The Plastics Academy, whose officials will make up the initial screening committee. The induction ceremony and gala banquet will take place on April 2, 2012 during SPI’s NPE2012 exposition, slated for April 1-5 in Orlando, FL.
“Election into the Plastics Hall of Fame is an honor bestowed on individuals who, by consistent dedication and extraordinary accomplishments, have contributed to the growth of the plastics industry,” said John R. Kretzschmar, chairman of The Plastics Academy. “Individuals from any country in the world may be nominated, and submissions may be made by anyone using the official form provided by the Academy and accompanying it with appropriate supporting information.”
Nomination forms, for filling out online or printing, are available by clicking here.
Alternatively, forms can be obtained from Susan Douglas, executive assistant to the president of SPI, via email at [email protected], or by telephone at 202-974-5224.
Completed nominations with supporting attachments should be emailed to Ms. Douglas or posted to her attention at The Society of the Plastics Industry Inc., 1667 K Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006 USA.
The Plastics Academy screening committee will select up to 12 nominated individuals for consideration by members of the Plastics Hall of Fame. These members will select up to nine inductees.
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