Rotary Cutoff Metering ValveRotary Cutoff Metering Valve
April 9, 2015
Designed for accurate flow control of pulverized material, FLSmidth’s rotary cutoff metering valve has a v–notch rotor opening and a continuously modulating actuator.
Applications include:
• Silo loadout to trucks or railcars within total tonnage goals
• Precise control to other equipment, with a 4-20ma signal feedback
• Field conversions from rotary cutoff valve to rotary cutoff metering valve
• Standard design to operate with material temperatures to 200°F
The rotary cutoff metering valve provides precise, reliable flow control of pulverized material, while discharging from storage silos. The valve body is constructed of rugged cast iron, machined for close tolerances. Heavy duty cast integral flanges are included. The rotor is fabricated steel construction with a generous V-opening to allow a wide range of material flow. The fully-closed position provides a reliable material seal. O-ring shaft seals are standard.
FLSmidth Inc., Bethlehem, PA 610-264-6011
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