Aerodyne Launches StopTight Knife Gate Material Handling ValveAerodyne Launches StopTight Knife Gate Material Handling Valve

January 15, 2015

1 Min Read
Aerodyne Launches StopTight Knife Gate Material Handling Valve
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The StopTight knife gate dry material handling valve is an easy way to control flow in a bulk material handling system. The knife gate can manage the flow of gravity-fed solids, powders, and granules from hoppers, silos, screw conveyors, mixers, and gravity chutes. It is ideal as a manual shut-off for rotary valves during maintenance on the rotary valve. It is also available with a pneumatic drive.
The StopTight knife gate has a thin design that allows it to operate where most other valves cannot be placed. Its tapped inlet and outlet flanges provide easy installation for in-line or open discharge use. The slide plate is supported by adjustable cam-guides. A seal around the slide plate prevents excess material from being pulled out while the valve operates. The knife gate is available in standard (200°F) and high-temperature (300°F) versions. Using a linear motion, a blade advances until the passage is closed or withdraws until the passage is open. When the passage is closed, the valve is seated tightly and prevents any significant loss of positive or negative pressure from the material handling system. This valve is available in 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-in. sizes. The cast aluminum body and 304 stainless steel slide plate equips this valve for a wide range of materials such as chemical, foodstuffs, and plastics.
Aerodyne Environmental Inc., Chagrin Falls, OH 800-358-7546

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