New Digital Sorter for Nuts and Dried FruitsNew Digital Sorter for Nuts and Dried Fruits

February 15, 2017

2 Min Read
New Digital Sorter for Nuts and Dried Fruits
Key Technology's Veryx digital sorter

Key Technology introduces the Veryx digital sorter for nuts and dried fruits. The Veryx is designed specifically to identify and remove even the most challenging foreign material (FM) and defects such as small, loose, and embedded shell fragments, membrane material, insect damage, surface scratches, color-based defects, stems, rocks, glass, and more.

Veryx for nuts and dried fruits achieves excellent color grading and shell, FM, and defect removal, while its high accuracy virtually eliminates false rejects.
Ideal for sorting walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, pecans, cashews, and dried fruit such as raisins, prunes, cranberries, apricots, figs, dates, and more, Veryx guarantees that final product specifications are maintained while maximizing yields. This new level of sorting efficiency allows nut and dried fruit processors to make grade with fewer passes through the sorter, increasing productivity and reducing product breakage.
Veryx can be configured with front- and rear-mounted laser sensors and cameras to achieve all-sided surface inspection. It also features multi-sensor Pixel Fusion, which combines pixel-level input from multiple cameras and laser sensors to more clearly differentiate good product, defects and FM. With Pixel Fusion, Veryx consistently removes the most difficult-to-detect FM and defects without ‘false positives.’
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The next-generation four-channel cameras and laser sensors on Veryx offer twice the resolution of previous generation sorters to detect smaller pieces of shell, FM, and product defects. The accuracy of the detection system is paired with a high-resolution ejection system, which features the closest spacing between air nozzles of any nut and dried fruit sorter in order to better target and remove defects. Intelligent software manages the air nozzles’ actuation strategy to suit the size, shape, and weight of each object being removed. The combined precision of the detection and ejection systems results in the most complete removal of shells, FM, and defects without sacrificing good product to the reject stream.
Key offers Veryx in a variety of widths to meet the needs of low- to high-capacity nut and dried fruit processors. Thanks to inspection zones that are wider than other sorters with a similar footprint, Veryx enables processors to increase their throughputs by up to 15 percent, while remaining efficient in its floor space requirements.
Key Technology Inc., Walla Walla, WA 509-529-2161


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