Gyra Sieve Shakers
January 21, 2020
Powder Show Booth 1038 - The Gyra Sieve Shaker Series is designed to allow sample material to move equally over the complete sieving surface. As a result, you have the capabilities for high load capacities processed with shorter sieving times but higher separation efficiency. A more economical option to cutting and separating fine materials into the mesh size needed, the Gyra sieve provides advanced sieving technology for multiple deck sieve analysis. It can be air powered or electrically operated for any wet or dry application. It is supplied for tabletop operations or with casters. Sieve diameters are 3, 8, 12, and 17 in. The Gyra sieve provides accurate analysis with consistent repeatability.
HK Technologies, Salem, OH 800-221-3298
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