Drum-to-Drum Screening System IntroducedDrum-to-Drum Screening System Introduced
System optimizes a pre-screening requirement before blending.
October 17, 2023

Post Material Handling introduces an automated drum-to-drum screening system to optimize a pre-screening requirement before blending.
Prior to the installation of this system, the screening process was labor-intensive, dusty, and time-consuming.
This system is designed to streamline this operation. It easily picks up a fully loaded drum, complete with casters, and an empty drum. Both drums are then sealed against a screening deck. The system has the ability to invert the entire assembly, automating the safety screening process. Once the screening is complete (only a few minutes), the screened product has been collected in the lower drum, and the cycle repeats itself.
To further enhance efficiency, the screened drums are sequentially transported to another set of post lifts. These lifts facilitate the feeding of a 300-cu-ft slant cone blender, integrating the screening and blending processes.
All product contact surfaces are constructed from 316 series stainless steel. All external components are washdown rated, which simplifies maintenance and cleaning procedures.
Post Material Handling, Rock Tavern, NY 845-200-3355 www.posthoist.com
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