Pneumatic Line MagnetsPneumatic Line Magnets
November 15, 2010
IMI has improved the holding strength of its Rare Earth bullet magnet. The newly introduced stripper collar – used to wipe metal contamination from the magnet - eliminates the loss of holding value experienced by similar magnets that incorporate a cleaning sleeve that covers the entire magnetic circuit. This addition has increased the ability to capture and hold metal fines and weakly magnetic steel by almost 30%. Ideal for dilute-phase pneumatic systems, typical bullet magnet applications include processing of dry, powder, and granular materials. It can be used ahead of processing equipment and bulk load out to ensure product purity and protect machinery from tramp metal damage. The magnet stays on the door for cleaning, eliminating the dangers of handling a strong magnet weighing up to 200 lb.
Industrial Magnetics Inc., Boyne City, MI 800-662-4638
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