Dry Particle Supplying Device
December 1, 2009
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has granted Horiba a new patent for this device that disperses dry particle samples into an elementary particle state during the introduction of the sample to a particle size measuring apparatus. In a typical instrument, the user places the sample into a hopper, which then distributes the sample into a feeder to regulate the flow rate of the sample being delivered to the measuring unit. Often, the sample particles adhere together due to electrostatic, magnetic, or other similar forces even in a dry state. The result can cause fluctuations of the sample flow and sample dispersion, which can lead to errors when the measuring apparatus attempts to measure and analyze the sample. This device can better supply particles in a homogeneous elementary state and a continuous flow rate, creating a highly accurate dry method test.
Horiba Instruments Inc., Irvine, CA 800-446-7422 www.horibalab.com
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