Valve Proves Itself in Beer Brewing ProcessValve Proves Itself in Beer Brewing Process

March 13, 2015

3 Min Read
Valve Proves Itself in Beer Brewing Process
Mucon JS iris diaphragm valve installed in a bulk bag discharge station

Craft brewers are known for their unique ability to create a product from traditional and non-traditional ingredients producing a harmony of complex flavors. When faced with the challenge of carefully dispensing grain from a bulk bag container into a new brewing line BridgePort Brewing Co. enlisted the Mucon JS iris diaphragm valve.
    BridgePort Brewing Co. is the oldest craft brewing company in Oregon. Established in 1984 in what was once a WWI hemp rope factory in the Portland warehouse district, BridgePort has become a national and international award-winning brewery by blending distinctive ingredients and a dedication to high quality and flavor. Recently when producing a new brew using a malted rye grain imported from the U.K., they came across a unique challenge.
    The challenge was how to carefully dispense the rye from a 2000-lb bulk bag container into the brewing process. This was to be achieved economically, in a very small space, and quickly, while still providing a controlled flow of the special rye.
    The solution was to mount a Mucon JS iris diaphragm valve to a custom platform that is positioned over the inlet funnel of the brewing kettle. The bulk sack of rye is then raised into position and the outlet spout of the bag is inserted through the opening of the iris diaphragm valve. As the rye flows through the bulk bag outlet, the rate of discharge is controlled or stopped and started by opening and closing the Mucon JS valve. This allows for a large quantity of rye to be safely handled and dispensed, while eliminating spillage as the rye is discharged directly into the process. The Mucon JS valve also allows for production area wash down as needed while keeping the grain dry and secure.
    The Mucon JS valve was selected because it is specifically designed for fitting to bulk bag discharge stations. The valve allows for controlled product discharge. It is designed with a single diaphragm that provides a dust-tight closure and a concentric opening/closing feature that allows for ideal flow control. The valve is also multi-notched which allows the diaphragm to be locked in any required position. It also has mounting holes drilled top and bottom for easy fitting to the bulk bag discharge station.
    The Mucon JS iris diaphragm valve offers an excellent means of bulk bag flow control, whether it is installed on a large permanent system or on a mobile bulk bag discharge station.
    “Brewers are very practical. The Mucon JS iris diaphragm valve – it works, it is inexpensive, and durable – thumbs up. It got the job done for us,” said Eric Munger, head brewer at BridgePort Brewing Co. He particularly liked the multi-notched open and close feature. This was crucial to the control of the rye during production. The Mucon JS iris diaphragm valve proved to be the unique, creative solution to control the flow of the bulk bag ingredients for BridgePort Brewing Co.
    Kemutec Group Inc., Bristol, PA, is the supplier of the Mucon Valve range in North and South America. For more information, call 215-785-5171, email [email protected], or visit

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