Large Bag Metal DetectorLarge Bag Metal Detector
May 2, 2018

For suppliers of powders and bulk solids, inspecting for metal contaminants while accommodating larger and varying pack sizes, ranging from 50 to 110 lb, can be quite a logistical challenge. Fortress Technology offers the large bag metal detector, also known as the Big Bag King (BBK).
In the world of bulk metal detection, larger aperture sizes typically mean reduced sensitivity. With the BBK, this isn’t the case. Thanks to its specialized coil structure and advanced electronics, the system is able to detect 2 mm stainless steel in most bulk packs of dry product. It also detects ferrous and non-ferrous metal as small as 1.5 mm.
It is built specifically for inspecting bulk food items, including flour, corn, grains and rice, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical powders, confectionery, and even personal care products. It uses a special RF (radio frequency) noise reduction modification that dramatically reduces the detector’s susceptibility to RF interference.
Given the prevalence of loud industrial equipment and transport vehicles in bulk factories, the BBK features a BSH extra-rugged outer casing. This is designed to suppress vibration caused by other equipment running in close proximity to the metal detector, which can interfere with signals leading to false rejects. Having the choice of aluminum epoxy painted or stainless steel casing also ensures long-term reliability and performance in heavy processing environments and plants.
As with all of Fortress Technology’s metal detectors, the BBK meets the company’s ‘Never Obsolete’ commitment. This means that should supplier codes of practice change over time, the Fortress metal detector can easily be upgraded to the latest processing unit and software. Built-in contact communication software with USB data transfer offers an effective and HACCP compliant method to collect and store data at critical control points.
Fortress Technology Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada 416-754-2898
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