Laboratory Double Planetary MixersLaboratory Double Planetary Mixers
October 9, 2014

Ross Laboratory Double Planetary Mixers (DPMs) are ideal for processing a wide range of applications including viscous pastes, putty-like materials, powder blends, and granulations. Two identical blades rotate on individual axes while revolving around the vessel on a common axis. The gentle but thorough agitation is effective for mixing shear-sensitive gels, fragile glass spheres, fiber-filled mixtures, and abrasive compounds. This versatile mixer is also utilized for vacuum drying and solvent recovery.
Designed for R&D and pilot-scale production from 1/2 pint to 5 gal, Ross Laboratory DPM’s are ideal for products containing expensive raw materials or where only small quantities are batched due to limited demand or short pot life.
Standard, heavy-duty, explosion-proof, and sanitary models are available. Popular features and options include sight/charge ports, video camera, helical high-viscosity “HV” blades, heating/cooling jacket, sidewall thermowell, cove plug valve, built-in vacuum pump, discharge system, and touchscreen controls.
Charles Ross & Son Co., Hauppauge, NY 800-243-7677
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