Metso Hits Gold with Grinding Mill DeliveryMetso Hits Gold with Grinding Mill Delivery
The supplier's high-capacity grinding mill will be used for gold mining.

Orezone Gold Corp., a Canada-based gold mining company mainly engaged in the exploration and evaluation and development of gold, has chosen Metso's 18MW SAG mill for the phase II expansion at their Bomboré Gold mine in Burkina Faso.
The Bomboré mine is Burkina Faso's newest mine, and Orezone is focusing on mining and processing the Phase I near-surface free-dig oxides at an annual throughput of 5.9 million tonnes.
In October 2023, Orezone released the results of an expansion study, which will incorporate a 4.4Mtpa hard rock plant to the 5.9Mtpa oxide plant for a total processing rate of 10.3Mtpa – a significant increase in gold production at a low incremental capital cost. First gold from the hard rock plant is scheduled for Q3-2025.
The mining company chose Metso's high capacity grinding mill for the next phase of its operation. “The PremierTM SAG (semi-autogenous) mill to be delivered to Bomboré is part of our Planet Positive offering thanks to its energy efficiency," said says Christoph Hoetzel, SVP, Grinding Business line at Metso.
Metso offers a wide range of horizontal grinding mills, including Premier and Select mills. These can be easily integrated with Metso’s mill relining equipment and are supported by the company’s extensive services network to ensure optimization during the mills’ lifetime. Metso also produces the market’s most comprehensive mill linings range and relining services, with materials and designs optimized for each specific application.
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