Controlling Mass Flows in Screw Conveyors

January 10, 2017

1 Min Read
Controlling Mass Flows in Screw Conveyors
Real time monitoring of how much product a screw is transporting is now possible.

Thanks to cooperation between Van Beek Schroeftransport and weighing specialist Penko Engineering, real time monitoring of how much product a screw is transporting is now possible.

User Decides
The user can, for example, decide how many grams of a particular material per minute may be supplied to the process. The screw conveyor then adjusts the speed to this. The user can also program the screw conveyor to stop on reaching a certain weight, or first empty itself and then stop.

Measurement is Key
During operation the user can see the material speed (m/s), number of kg/s, how many kg have already been transported, and the control of the flow regulation from 0 to 100%. This is possible by determining the mass of the screw plus contents with special strain gauge recorders. The movement and the speed can be fixed with a speed monitor.

Van Beek, The Netherlands +31 (0)41 63 75 225

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