Level Detection for Plugged Chutes and ConveyingLevel Detection for Plugged Chutes and Conveying

May 2, 2019

2 Min Read
Level Detection for Plugged Chutes and Conveying

Dynatrol DJ level detectors are successful as plugged chute detectors for most types of conveying. They are also ideal for high, mid, or low point level detection, providing dependable operation in dusty environments as well as on vessels, storage bins, or hoppers equipped with vibrators. For applications such as bulk solids flakes, powders, pellets, and heavy granular materials, Dynatrol DJ Level Detectors easily obtain accurate level measurements.

These durable level detectors are virtually wear-free. They contain no moving parts, gaskets, or seals and rely on mechanical oscillations to determine if the probe is covered or uncovered. The units are factory calibrated with no field calibration required and approved for Class I, Group C & D; Class II, Groups E, F, & G; and Class III services.

Signals from the Dynatrol DJ level detectors operate a single pole double throw relay within the control unit and the relay contacts actuate alarms, indicator lights, or process control equipment. 

Automation Products Inc. – Dynatrol Div., Houston, TX 713-869-0361 www.dynatrolusa.com

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