Freeman Technology and Rutgers University to Present Powder Flow SessionFreeman Technology and Rutgers University to Present Powder Flow Session

February 4, 2009

1 Min Read
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Tim Freeman, director of operations for Freeman Technology, will join Professor Fernando Muzzio of Rutgers University in leading a half-day session on powder flow at this year’s Pharmaceutical Technology School, April 27 to May 1 in Puerto Rico.

The event, the fifth of its kind, is organized by Mixing Technologies Inc. Course content is delivered by academic experts from Rutgers University, as well as by recognized industry leaders, including Freeman Technology, Capsugel, Glatt Air Techniques, MCC, and Tunnell Consulting. The program is structured to assist those working in product and process design, manufacturing, scale-up, technology transfer, and control.

Beginning with an introduction to QbD, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10, the course moves through the following topics: identifying critical to quality attributes and critical process parameters; sampling, blending, and segregation; agglomeration and overlubrication; powder flow; capsule filling; roller compaction; tableting; wet granulation; fluid bed processing; pan coating. The final day closes with a look at case studies in continuous manufacturing.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to share Freeman Technology’s understanding and knowledge of powder characterization and how this relates to practical processing,” said Freeman. “In pharmaceutical formulation and manufacturing it is crucial to gain an understanding of the powders being used. Using measurements made with the FT4 powder tester, together with the processing experience that resides within each company, it is possible to achieve real compatibility between powder and plant, and enable process optimization - all of which supports the aims of QbD.”

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