Practical Solutions to Costly Bulk Solids Flow Problems

April 14, 2014

1 Min Read
Practical Solutions to Costly Bulk Solids Flow Problems

Eric Maynard, senior consultant, Jenike & Johanson Inc., will be presenting a fundamental technical workshop at the Powder Show, on May 6, Practical Solutions to Costly Bulk Solids Flow Problems.

This session provides solutions to costly flow problems that normally occur with silos, hoppers, and feeders. Methods to characterize a bulk material's flow properties will be presented, along with a proven step-by-step storage vessel design process.  
“Our upcoming Powder Show conference workshop will be geared towards providing attendees with valuable solutions that can be applied to many powder handling problems in a wide range of industries,” says Maynard. “Our technical workshop will strive to provide solutions to complex powder handling problems.”

Conferees will learn about key flow properties test measurements, examine critical design requirements for a storage vessel (e.g., silo, hopper, bin), and review proven process for selecting and designing a silo or bin.

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