Cannabinoid Powders: A New Frontier
Join us for this episode of's Particulate Matters podcast to hear how cannabinoid powders can be used in food and beverage applications.
Powder & Bulk Solids Managing Editor John S. Forrester recently spoke with Keith Woelfel, director of research and development for Caliper Foods, a developer and manufacturer of hemp-derived, water-soluble cannabinoid powders. Listeners can hear how the availability of this stable ingredient can offer a number of advantages to manufacturers of cannabinoid-infused foods and beverages, supplements, and tablets.
Listen to this episode of the Particulate Matters podcast to find out how these novel ingredients are used, how cannabinoid powders are made and charactarized, the ways that Caliper assesses the product's flowability, and how to incorperate the ingredient into existing processes and products.
Stay on top of cannabis industry trends with Caliper's unique insights into infused foods and beverages.
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