Webinar Highlights Food Safety Issues with Plant-Based MeatsWebinar Highlights Food Safety Issues with Plant-Based Meats

Ingredient firm Kerry Group discusses issues and challenges with preserving the freshness and taste of plant-based meat alternatives.

John S. Forrester, former Managing Editor

May 24, 2021

Food and beverage ingredient solutions firm Kerry Group announced the release of a new webinar on food safety challenges in the plant-based meat alternatives category Monday, providing insights to food manufacturers on how to combat issues with freshness and taste and other safety concerns.

Food preservation and protection experts from Kerry Taste & Nutrition dive into the challenges these operations face in The Business of Alt Protein: Unlocking Food Safety in Plant-based Meat and offer strategies to tackle various safety issues.

Some points covered during the webinar include why food protection and the use of consumer-friendly ingredients in plant-based meats is important; when to build food protection into formulations and products to speed entrance into the market; as well as an overview of how food protection works.

Speakers include Emma Cahill, Strategic Marketing, Food Protection & Preservation, Jennifer Wasieleski, RD&A Director, Food Protection & Preservation, and Renette Cooper, Technical Business Development Director, Food Protection & Preservation.  

About the Author

John S. Forrester

former Managing Editor, Powder & Bulk Solids

John S. Forrester is the former managing editor of Powder & Bulk Solids.

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