Campbell Sees Gold in Goldfish ProductionCampbell Sees Gold in Goldfish Production
The soup and snack company is expanding production for its famous snack crackers.
July 25, 2023

Campbell Soup Co. has announced it is investing approximately $160 million in its Richmond, UT, manufacturing facility to expand production of Goldfish crackers to help meet increased consumer demand.
The new line will increase the bakery’s output of Goldfish by 50% and produce over 5 million tiny fish per hour or 1,500 Goldfish every second. The expansion also includes the construction of an onsite flour mill that will be separately owned and operated.
In addition to the bakery in Richmond, Campbell has operations in Logan. The company currently employs more than 400 people in the Cache Valley region and will add more than 80 jobs with this investment. The bakery, which has made Pepperidge Farm products for 50 years, was recently named one of the top employers in Northern Utah by the Cache Valley Daily and Cache Valley Media Group.
“Goldfish is an iconic brand that is quickly approaching a billion-dollar business, and this investment demonstrates our commitment to the growth of our brands and the communities where we operate,” said Chris Foley, executive vice president and president, Campbell Snacks. “
As part of the project, Utah Flour Milling will build a flour mill adjacent and connected to the Campbell bakery. The onsite mill is a partnership between PHM Brands’ Panhandle Milling and NIPPN Corp. The mill will increase supply reliability, provide capacity for continued growth, and improve plant efficiency.
In addition, the mill will reduce the site’s greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating 2,200-plus trucks per year transporting the flour from mill to bakery.
The company expects the new Goldfish line to be operational by the end of 2024. This is Campbell’s third Goldfish capacity expansion in the past two years, following bakery expansions in Lakeland, FL and Willard, OH.
Campbell's also came out with new air-fried Kettle Chips, another of its snack brands, earlier this year.
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