What You Need to Know about Flammable and Combustible Dust SafetyWhat You Need to Know about Flammable and Combustible Dust Safety

June 17, 2019

1 Min Read
What You Need to Know about Flammable and Combustible Dust Safety
Brian Richardson, Camfil Air Pollution Control

Brian Richardson, technical departments manager, Camfil Air Pollution Control, will present a free 60-minute webinar “What You Need to Know about Flammable and Combustible Dust Safety” on Thursday, June 20 at 2pm EDT/11am WDT.

In this webinar, Richardson will discuss how to recognize dangerous combustible dust situations in manufacturing plants and processing facilities. This knowledge will help you quickly observe an unsafe situation in your everyday work environment, recognize what you are seeing, evaluate whether you or your employees are in harm’s way, and decide what steps to take to make the environment safe.

Attendees will learn how to:

* Quickly observe a dangerous situation
* Understand what you are seeing
* Know whether you are safe where you are
* Take steps to make the area safe

Richardson has been with Camfil Air Pollution Control since 2008 and has worked in and around manufacturing facilities for almost 25 years. He started as a research and development engineer and progressed through various management positions where he was tasked with troubleshooting and servicing dust collectors and training personnel on the maintenance and construction aspects of the equipment. In his current role, Richardson liaisons between the manufacturing areas, sales, and engineering departments, and helps manage the company’s maintenance and local community training programs.

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