Webinar: Dust Explosion Vent Sizing Made EasyWebinar: Dust Explosion Vent Sizing Made Easy
TODAY! Don't miss this webinar discussing using established domestic and international methods to effectively vent the overpressure of explosions.

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 2 p.m. Eastern/11 a.m. Pacific, Dr. Ashok Ghose Dastidar, PhD MBA, Fellow engineer, vice president, Westinghouse Electric Co., Dust & Flammability Testing and Consulting Services – Fauske & Associates LLC, will present “Dust Explosion Vent Sizing Made Easy” as part of Powder & Bulk Solids' DryPro webinar series.
One of the most common findings from a Dust Hazards Analysis (DHA) is the need for explosion protection on process equipment, be that a dust collector or cyclone, a spray dryer, an oven, a mixer, etc. An effective method for explosion protection is by venting the overpressure of that explosion effectively. This presentation will discuss using established domestic and international methods to achieve this by way of examples and case histories. Included in the discussion will be steps to make the job easier and pitfalls to avoid.
Dr. Dastidar specializes in chemical process hazards analysis, flammable dusts, liquids & vapors explosion, and combustion hazards analysis and testing and electrostatic hazards analysis. He has extensive technical experience performing tests and analyzing data to determine electrostatic hazards, dust explosibility hazards, flammability hazards, thermal stability, and reactivity hazards, and hazard analysis and risk mitigation. Dr. Dastidar has published 12 articles and presented at more than 23 conferences. He has a Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Dalhousie University, an M.A.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Nova Scotia, M.B.A, Management Science, Saint Mary's University, and a B.S., Honors in Chemistry from Dalhousie University.
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