Explosion, Spark, and Flame-Front Isolation
June 27, 2014
Protecting processes from the risks of combustible dust explosions per NFPA standards usually requires isolation of interconnected enclosures and conveying to contain an explosion. This is certainly true with dust collection processes. The REMBE Exkop system provides safe, economic, and easy explosion, spark, and, flame-front isolation. The pinch valve protects interconnected equipment by high-speed closure that is triggered by a signal from a panel, a Q-Rohr-3, a Q Box II, or sensor. The Exkop system is easy for plant personnel to test/reset and, in the event of a power outage, is fail safe. The Exkop system is also now approved for use up to 300 Kst.
REMBE Inc., Charlotte, NC 704-716-7022 www.rembe.us
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