Wheelabrator Group Announces Major Investment in PolandWheelabrator Group Announces Major Investment in Poland
April 17, 2007
Wheelabrator Group, a leading surface preparation and finishing equipment specialist, recently unveiled plans for a multi-million dollar manufacturing facility in Poland, accelerating its expansion plans into central and Eastern Europe.
The 377,000-sq-ft facility will be located in Wrzesnia, Poland, and will be operational by the end of 2007. The new facility will increase the production capacity of Wheelabrator’s existing Zagorow manufacturing operation and will employ 200 staff at its peak capacity.
This move is the cornerstone of the company’s regional expansion strategy and was the basis for Mid Europa Partners’ investment in the Wheelabrator Group last year.
President and CEO Robert E. Joyce Jr. said, “Wheelabrator’s three targeted regional growth areas are Asia, India, and central Europe. Our investment in Wrzesnia is the first step in establishing a strong local presence in these strategic growth markets. Our customers demand that we provide better local support, faster service, and closer technical links as they move production eastward. Investing in Wresznia, therefore, is our way of committing to our customers’ long-term growth plans.”
Wheelabrator Group has teamed with Belgian developer IIG, a specialist in industrial buildings, to construct the new facility. The land has been purchased from the local city council. When the new facility is fully operational, the Wheelabrator Group’s total employment in Poland will exceed 300 people.
Employing more than 1200 people in over 20 countries, Wheelabrator Group owns, designs, manufactures, and provides wheelblast, airblast, wetblast, and mass finishing equipment for surface preparation and cleaning. It also supplies washing, degreasing, and ultrasonic cleaning systems, blast media, spares, and consumables.
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