Nilfisk Approved for BEMA Membership
September 30, 2015
Nilfisk Inc. has been approved for membership in BEMA, the association for bakery equipment manufacturers and allied trades.
Benefits gained from BEMA membership will help Nilfisk continue to support food customers with education and optimal understanding of their applications and needs. These benefits include valuable networking opportunities, educational conferences, safety and sanitation research, and international trade opportunities. Nilfisk will also receive priority at North America’s largest baking industry tradeshow, IBIE.
BEMA continually seeks to grow its membership among quality contributors in the bakery industry. “Each new member we add broadens the scope of our association, improves opportunities for connections among our members, and helps them build stronger businesses,” says BEMA president/CEO, Kerwin Brown.
BEMA was founded in 1918 as an international, not-for-profit trade association representing leading bakery and food suppliers. BEMA focuses specifically on furthering professional, technological, educational, safety, and sanitation practices within the bakery and food manufacturing industries.
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